Investir Paralelos Manifesta
last year, deep changes occured in some countries in North Africa. How
did those transformations affect the everyday dialogue between
generations, for instance in familiy meetings? Do people speak more
openly regarding to political matters, or you don´t notice any
difference in this aspect? Or is it the other way around? And between
people of your same age?
Fatma Hendawy
We talk about politics almost everyday ,, in Family meetings its a bit hard because of the age difference. We speak very openly about politics, you can hear people in the streets, buses, taxis, etc. talking about the upcoming presidential elections and the MB party, even couples walking by the sea here in Alexandria do the same ! Its more flexible when it comes to discussions with the same age as Egypt is mainly divided to age eras, for example: its hard for youth in 20's to convince old people (50 and older) with a modern political thinking, their targets are totally different and so their political thoughts are so different. Also it depends on the educational and intellectual level of those who participate in political dialogues.
Investir Paralelos Manifesta
thanks fatma, what about in comparison with before the social upheavals?
We talk about politics almost everyday ,, in Family meetings its a bit hard because of the age difference. We speak very openly about politics, you can hear people in the streets, buses, taxis, etc. talking about the upcoming presidential elections and the MB party, even couples walking by the sea here in Alexandria do the same ! Its more flexible when it comes to discussions with the same age as Egypt is mainly divided to age eras, for example: its hard for youth in 20's to convince old people (50 and older) with a modern political thinking, their targets are totally different and so their political thoughts are so different. Also it depends on the educational and intellectual level of those who participate in political dialogues.
Investir Paralelos Manifesta
thanks fatma, what about in comparison with before the social upheavals?
Fatma Hendawy
people considered political dialogues a Security case which they can go
to prison for just mentioning their personal opinions, people were
afraid from National Security agents who were everywhere (at work,
cafes, shops, etc.) so after the revolution you can freely talk about
politics with no minimum fear !
Chouiref Alaedinne
on parle plus ouvertement sur des sujets politiques sans problème déjà
je crois qu'on a une overdose de politique chez nous partout on parle
que du politique :)
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