jueves, 26 de abril de 2012

When I read this word (Democracy) I hear immediately the cheering among demonstrations, I smell the smoke of tear gas and I see bars of a cell.

HusSam Hilali on the wall of Investir Paralelos Manifesta

Democracy is not just to build a multi-party system, or giving people the right to elect and choose their leaders. It's the free space to discuss views for the best interest and to promote respect among the various social levels.

Investir Paralelos Manifesta
do you see this happening in any country? If yes, in which one(s)?

HusSam Hilali
Utopia :(

When I read this word (Democracy) I hear immediately the cheering among demonstrations, I smell the smoke of tear gas, and I see bars of a cell. This is my experience in democracy in real because I'm a Sudanese citizen (and also lives in Egypt)

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